Tourism & Disability

Disabled people are welcome in our charming 3-star hotel in Les Landes.
Our loft 3 is at your disposal.

This loft, 100% handicapped accessible, is fitted out like the other rooms, but has an additional bathroom, completely adapted to the needs of disabled people.

The possibility for people with disabilities to have direct and personal access to leisure and holidays is a fundamental right. This right is conditioned by accessibility to tourist sites and facilities and by reliable and developed information. The holder of the Tourism & Handicap brand undertakes to apply and respect this right.

The national commission has labeled La Petite Couronne, 3*** in Landes Chalosse, according to the following variation:

– Motor disability
– Visual impairment
– Hearing impairment
– Mental handicap

All accessibility standards for people with reduced mobility have been respected in the hotel and in room 3: accessibility from the car park, wide doors, non-slip floors, maneuvering spaces in the room and bathroom, walk-in shower, grab bars.